| Каталог метеоритов коллекций Советского Союза | Catalogue of meteorites of collections of the USSR |
Yavnel [Явнель], A. [А.] A. [А.]
| Russian | | | 1986 | 223 | 300 copies. 630 meteorites in the catalogue |
| Meteoritensammlung Des Museums Des Konigreiches Bohmen in Prag | |
Vrba, K.
| German | | | 1914 | 20 | |
| The Ward=Coonley collection of meteorites | |
Ward, Henry A.
| English | | | 1901 | 28 | |
| The Oscar E. Monnig meteorite collection. Catalogue | |
Ehlmann, Arthur J.
| English | 1-st | | 2008 | 186 | Signed by Art Ehlmann |
| The Schwade meteorite collection | |
Schwade, Jim
| English | 1-st | | 2006 | 126 | Signed by Jim Schwade |
| Каталогъ Коллекцiи Метеоритов Юл. Симашко | Catalogue of meteorites of the collection of J. Simashko |
Simashko [Симашко], Julian [Юлиан]
| Russian | | | 1891 | 63 | Книга из коллекции Драверта. Подпись Кринова. |
| Каталог метеоритов коллекции АН СССР на 1 января 1946 г. | Catalogue of meteorites of Academy of Sciences of the USSR (January, 1 1946) |
Krinov [Кринов], Evgeny [Евгений] L. [Леонидович]
| Russian | | | 1947 | 88 | Signed by Krinov |
| Photographic Catalog of the Antarctic Meteorites | |
Matsuda, Tatsuro
| English | 1 | | 1987 | 298 | |
| Meteoritensammlung Des Museums Des Konigreiches Bohmen in Prag | |
Vrba, K.
| German | | | 1904 | 16 | |
| Meteoriten-Sammlung von Julian Siemaschko | |
Simashko [Симашко], Julian [Юлиан]
| German | | | 1882 | 8 | |
| Sbírka meteoritů v Museu Království Českého v Praze | Collection of meteorites in museum of Czech Kingdom |
Vrba, K.
| Czech | | | 1904 | 18 | |